Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sea Sculpture

A picture in the paper alerted us to the Swell Festival at the Gold Coast so naturally on a sunny Sunday we headed to Currumbin to see the local product.

Currumbin Rock

Look what nature can do.

Anxiety Piece #7, Here Comes the Summer its a Real Cool Time by Joel Bliss

And I thought it was going to be a comment on whaling.

"Scooter" the surfers dog by Joe Stark.

A salute to the local culture.

Wind Frock by Corinne Colbert

Love a good pun.

Spatial Awakening by Luke Zwolsman

How do you make granite bend?

What do I love about these exhibitions?
The setting is part of the art and the art is part of the setting.
People are less inhibited in the outdoor setting than they are in a gallery so you get to overhear some of what they are thinking about the pieces.
All the touching. The signs say Please be gentle instead of Do not touch.
People chat.
People eat ice creams.
People bring their dogs.
People talk to their kids about the pieces.
There's always a piece that fills me with delight and a piece that gives me a surprise.